Where's Aurora's Missing Blue Dress?

Through the years, we've gotten five distinct Aurora LEGO minidolls. They differ in face and dress printing while the hair piece remains the same. I want to know why are all of the dresses pink? How come none are blue? Why did I have to create a blue one instead of simply buying it?

Five Pink Dresses for LEGO Minidoll Aurora
Five pink dresses with just a touch of blue in one of them

Well, the last question isn't really something I want to know - it's something I want to show you. As for the rest, I think I know what's going on. And it has more to do with Disney then with LEGO.

The minidoll LEGO produces is based on princess Aurora from Disney's animated movie Sleeping Beauty (1959). One of the storylines throughout the movie follows the fight between Aurora's fairy godmothers about should her new dress be pink or blue. Instead of reaching an agreement, the fairies continue to shout "Pink!" and "Blue!" magically turning the dress into the respective color. While this creates a mesmerizing dance scene for Aurora and prince Phillip, it's not a good conflict solving example for argumentative siblings.

It also introduced a conundrum for toy manufactures that persists to this day. Do you produce Aurora in the pink or the blue dress? In pink she looks like any other random princess and in blue she looks like Cinderella. At least to an unknowing grandparent who's looking for a present.

Six Different LEGO Cinderella Minidolls
Another blonde princess in a blue dress

I can see why LEGO made the decision they have. They've never had a random pink minidoll princess and Cinderella was one of their heavy hitters. So it's no wonder they wanted to make their two classic Disney princesses as different as possible. Especially considering they are both already Caucasian and blonde.

Therefore I don't think LEGO will produce a blue Aurora anytime soon and it's once again on me to make that happen.

Creating Aurora's Blue Torso
Creating Aurora's blue torso using two torso pieces and some paint

I liked Aurora's 2018 torso the best, so I used it as the base for my blue torso. I violently exchanged the pink hands with the ones from a blue holiday sweater to avoid painting them. Then, using the dark pink lines as guidelines, I painted the blue torso to look like the original. I wanted the transition between "Pink!" and "Blue!" to be as smooth as possible. And in that, I succeeded.

However, a torso alone does not a dress make!

I figured the easiest way to create a blue skirt for Aurora is to steal it from Cindy. She has so many - she won't even notice.
The skirt I chose had some silver sparkles which I liked and an overskirt print that I wanted to get rid of. Using my trusted cotton swabs and evaporated acetone, I removed the print. It took quite a lot of rubbing till I was happy with the removal, but then the dress was done!

Original LEGO Pink Auroras And My Blue One
Original LEGO pink Auroras and my blue one

The blue Aurora looks great from all sides regardless if she's by herself, in a lineup next to her pink counterparts, or dancing with prince Phillip.

Aurora And Phillip Dancing
Aurora can now enjoy her dance with prince Phillip in a blue dress as well

At this point, I thought I was done with Aurora's Disney Princess upgrade but then my daughter taught me otherwise. She felt if would be a great injustice if Aurora also didn't get a blue ballgown.

Now, I believe with all my heart that the minidoll A-line long skirt is a perfect LEGO representation of the Sleeping Beauty dress, but I also had a spare Cinderella ballgown and my daughter can be persistent, so.. 15 minutes and 4 cotton swabs later, Aurora had a blue ballgown as well.

Aurora in a Blue Ballgown
While not movie accurate, the dress is still gorgeous

And no, I didn't paint another blue torso. I'm reusing the same one. If LEGO can reuse the same hair piece a million times, I can use a torso twice.

With the magic of editing I can even place both blue dresses in the same photo. Looking at the pink and blue versions I can understand why the fairies had such a hard time coming to an agreement. They are all stunning. However, if it were up to me to decide I'd go with the ultimate compromise - lavender.

Pink or Blue? Which One is Better?
Pink or blue? A hard choice indeed

Having Aurora's blue dress in front of me, I'm even more convinced that my hypothesis from the beginning is correct. Aurora was the only reasonable candidate out of the Disney Princess lineup to wear pink as her signature color. And having a princess theme without at least one pink dress would have meant Disney doesn't like making money. But they do, and so we're here.

Also imagine the confusion for people who aren't that Disney savvy. They get to the toys department of a store and see three blonde princesses rocking blue gowns, "Which one was Elsa again?"

LEGO made the right choice by dressing Aurora in pink, I made another beautiful and unique minidoll, and no girl mistakenly got Aurora's carriage instead of Elsa's palace from her grandma.



  • So creative!

  • Have patience, LEGO will soon release a set with Aurora in a Blue dress.

    Aamanee Rashid

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